NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested members of the public that the regularly scheduled / current monthly meetings of the Jellico Utilities Authority held at the Jellico Municipal Building, 410 S. Main St., Jellico, Tennessee, will be held on the last Tuesday of each month and will commence at 5:30 p.m. Jellico Utilities Authority shall meet at such times in open, public, and regular session for the purpose of conducting its regular monthly business.  Workshops, when necessary, will begin at 5:00 p.m. before scheduled monthly meetings.

This Meeting Notice is given pursuant to Title 8, Chapter 44, Sections 101 et. seq., Tennessee Code Annotated and in accordance with other applicable requirements of law.  If any accommodations are needed for individuals with disabilities who wish to be present at a meeting, please contact Customer Service at (423) 784-8431.  Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting in order for Jellico Utilities Authority to provide such needed aid or service.


Members of the public are invited to provide comments during the designated public comment period at each board meeting. If you wish to speak, please sign in before the meeting begins by providing your name and the topic you intend to address. The sign-in sheet will be available at the meeting venue. For detailed procedures, please refer to the Public Comment Resolution Procedure. A copy of the resolution and the sign-in sheet are available in the links below.

Public Comment Resolution Procedure

Public Comment Sign-In Sheet

Click on the AGENDA link below to review the upcoming board meeting’s agenda.



Report on Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2023

Division of Local Government Finance Letter

Financial Plan Documents

  1. Jellico Utilities Authority – 2022 Audit
  2. Preliminary Funding Analysis – JUA Electric
  3. 2023 Coverage Numbers With Projections-JUA
  4. 2023-34 Jellico Utilities Authority Electric — 2023 Bond Resolution